郭明全 研究员 博士生导师
2004年3月在中科院研究生院获得物理化学博士学位。2004年至2012年先后在美国国家卫生研究院、加州大学劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室和南加州大学从事生物医药活性物质代谢与作用机制研究。2013年9月入选中国科学院引进海外杰出人才BR计划A类,长期从事天然药物化学生物学,天然药物的多靶标筛选、作用机理与可持续利用研究。2023年加入中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,团队主要针对重大慢性疾病相关的预防与治疗,开展天然/海洋医药活性物质筛选、作用机制阐释和可持续开发利用研究;同时针对海洋生物健康风险开展海洋生物致病菌与过敏原的检测技术开发。团队负责人以第一或通讯作者已在Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Food Chemistry等发表高水平论文100余篇,申请专利10余项(授权4项),应邀担任多家SCI专业期刊客座主编或副主编,如Current Analytical Chemistry, Phytochemical Analysis,Frontiers in Nutrition等;多家高水平期刊编委或青年编委,如Phytochemical Analysis,Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Journal of Analysis and Testing,Chinese Medicine等。先后应邀担任中国生物医药技术协会药物分析技术分会委员、国际天然产物、欧洲植物化学、亚洲植物化学等多个国际学术会议学术委员。先后主持和承担国家自然基金面上项目、海外及港澳学者合作研究项目、科技部外国青年人才项目、中国科学院国际伙伴计划项目、省部级重点项目、企业合作研发项目等各类项目近20项。
中科院武汉分院优秀研究生指导教师(2020, 2022)
- L. Nahar*, R. Charoensup, Kulyash Kalieva, E. Habibi*, M. Guo*. Natural products in neurodegenerative diseases: Recent advances and future outlook. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2025. 1529194. (通讯作者,SCI收录)
- L. Nahar, E. Habibi, GL. Gavril, GMM. Abdelfattah, M. Wrona, C. Nerín, MQ.Guo, &SD. Sarker, Towards sustainable food packaging using natural compounds: A review of current research update. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2025. 260-274. (通讯作者,SCI收录)
- A J. Seukep, HG. Mbuntcha, VY. Matieta, V. Kuete, & MQ. Guo, HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS Profiling of Antibacterial Bioactive Solvent Fractions of Senna alata (L.) Roxb (Fabaceae) Leaves, and in Silico Prediction of Pharmacokinetic, Drug-likeness, and Toxicity of Major Phyto-components. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2025. 119492. (通讯作者,SCI收录)
- XW. Hua, MJ. Xu, M.Yang, YY. Zhang, JK. Ma, ... & MQ. Guo, Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic bioactive compounds from edible traditional Chinese medicines and their action of mechanisms explored by multitarget affinity ultrafiltration with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. Food Frontiers, 2025. 6(1), 65-85. (通讯作者,SCI收录)
- Nahar, L., Ahmed, M. N., Alfi Afroze, C., Sangthong, S., Guo, M., & Sarker, S. D. Phytometabolites, Pharmacological Effects, Ethnomedicinal Properties, and Bioeconomic Potential of Velvet Apple (Diospyros discolor Willd.): A Review. Chemistry & Biodiversity, e202402168.(通讯作者,SCI收录)
- HX. Feng, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*, Exploring multifunctional components from Andrographis paniculata by affinity ultrafiltration with three molecular targets, Food Chemistry, 2023,404, 134515 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 9.231)
- MX Fan, TF Rakotondrabe, GL Chen, MQ Guo *, Advances in microbial analysis: Based on volatile organic compounds of microorganisms in food, Food Chemistry, 2023, 418, 135950 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 9.231)
- YB Xu, GL Chen, FW Muema, JB Xiao* & MQ Guo*, Most Recent Research Progress in Moringa oleifera: Bioactive Phytochemicals and Their Correlated Health Promoting Effects, Food Reviews International, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/87559129.2023.2195189 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 6.043)
- TF Rakotondrabe, MX. Fan, FW. Muema, MQ. Guo*, Modulating Inflammation-Mediated Diseases via Natural Phenolic Compounds Loaded in Nanocarrier Systems, Pharmaceutics, 2023, 15, 699 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 6.525)
- H. Zhang#, GL. Chen#, Y. Zhang, M. Yang, JM. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Potential hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, and anti-inflammatory bioactive components in Nelumbo nucifera leaves explored by bioaffinity ultrafiltration with multiple targets, Food Chemistry,2022,375,131856 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 9.231)
- H. Zhang#, JP. Yang#, GL. Chen, CL. Yang*, MQ. Guo*, Functional components in Portulaca oleracea explored to scavenge nitrite and block nitrosamines in tobacco using affinity ultrafiltration with Nitrate Reductase,Industrial Crops and Products, 2022,189,115872(通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 6.449)
- MX. Fan#, MZ. Zhu#, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Duchesnea genus: a comprehensive review of its phytochemistry, bioactivity, and pharmacology, Phytochemistry Reviews, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11101-022-09842-z(通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.741)
- YQ. Tian, D. Hu, YL. Zhang, J. Zou, GL. Chen and MQ. Guo*. Inhibitors Targeting Multiple Janus Kinases From Zanthoxylum simulans Mediate Inhibition and Apoptosis Against Gastric Cancer Cells via the Estrogen Pathway, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2022, 10, 922110(通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 5.545)
- FW. Muema, Y. Liu, YL. Zhang, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Flavonoids from Selaginella doederleinii Hieron and Their Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities, Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 1189 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.675)
- J. Li#, Z. Wang#, M. Fan, GW. Hu*, MQ. Guo*. Potential Antioxidative and Anti-Hyperuricemic Components Targeting Superoxide Dismutase and Xanthine Oxidase Explored from Polygonatum Sibiricum Red, Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 1651 (通讯作者,SCI收录)
- TF. Rakotondrabe#, MX. Fan# and MQ. Guo*, Exploring potential antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory flavonoids from Euphorbia humifusa with an integrated strategy, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 13:980945(通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 5.988, TOP 17.74%)
- AJ. Seukep, HG. Mbuntcha, V. Kuete, Y. Chu, E. Fan*, MQ. Guo*. What Approaches to Thwart Bacterial Efflux Pumps-Mediated Resistance? Antibiotics, 2022, 11, 1287(通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 5.222, TOP 24.19%)
- MX. Fan, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Potential Antioxidative Components in Azadirachta indica Revealed by Bio-Affinity Ultrafiltration with SOD and XOD, Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 658(通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.675)
- HX. Feng, GL. Chen, YL. Zhang, MQ. Guo*. Potential Anti-inflammatory and Anti-proliferative Compounds from Dysosma versipellis Explored by Bioaffinity Ultrafiltration-HPLC/MS with Four Drug Targets, Journal of Inflammation Research, 2022, 15, 4677–4692 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 4.631)
- YB. Xu, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Potential Anti-Aging Components from Moringa oleifera Leaves Explored by Affinity Ultrafiltration with Multiple Drug Targets, Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9, 854882 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 6.590)
- H. Zhang#, GL. Chen#, JP. Yang#, CL. Yang*, MQ. Guo*. Screening and characterization of potential antioxidant, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic components revealed in Portulaca oleracea via multi-target affinity ultrafiltration LC–MS and molecular docking, Phytochemical Analysis, 2022, 33, 272-285(通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 3.024)
- PY. Huang, Z. Wang, K. Cai, LW. Wei, YD. Chu, MQ. Guo*, EG. Fan*. Targeting Bacterial Membrane Proteins to Explore the Beneficial Effects of Natural Products: New Antibiotics against Drug Resistance, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 29, 2109-2126 (共同通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 4.740)
- HX. Feng, GL. Chen, YL. Zhang, MQ. Guo*. Potential multiple bioactive components from Sinopodophyllum hexandrum explored by affinity ultrafiltration with four drug targets, Phytomedicine Plus, 2022, 2, 100219 (通讯作者)
- Y. Liu, YL. Zhang, FW Muema, F Kimutai, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Phenolic Compounds from Carissa spinarum Are Characterized by Their Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Activities, Antioxidants, 2021,10 (5), 652 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.675)
- YL. Zhang#, GL. Chen#, XC. Zhuang, MQ. Guo*. Inhibition of Growth of Colon Tumors and Proliferation of HT-29 cells by Warburgia ugandensis Extract through Mediating G0/G1 Cell Cycle Arrest, Cell Apoptosis and Intracellular ROS Generation, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2021, 8807676, 1-11 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF : 7.310)
- GL. Chen, YB. Xu, JL. Wu, N. Li, and MQ. Guo*. Anti-Inflammatory Properties and Potential Bioactive Components from Moringa oleifera Leaves Revealed by Affinity Ultrafiltration LC–MS and Molecular Docking, ACS Food Sci. Technol., 2021, 1(10), 1953–1962
- YL. Zhang, GL. Chen, Y. Liu, XC. Zhuang, MQ. Guo*. Stimulation of ROS generation by extract of Warburgia ugandensis leading to G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and antiproliferation in A549 Cells, Antioxidants, 2021, 10, 1559(通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.675)
- HX. Feng, GL. Chen, YL. Zhang, MQ. Guo*. Exploring bioactive components from Podophyllum sinense using multi-target ultrafiltration, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021, 12, 749189. (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 5.988)
- Y. Liu, FW Muema, YL. Zhang, MQ. Guo*. Acyl Quinic Acid Derivatives Screened Out from Carissa spinarum by SOD-Affinity Ultrafiltration LC–MS and Their Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Activities, Antioxidants, 2021, 10, 1302(通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.675)
- XC. Zhuang, GL. Chen, Y. Liu, YL. Zhang, MQ. Guo*. New lignanamides with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities screened out and identified from Warburgia ugandensis combining affinity ultrafiltration LC-MS with SOD and XOD Enzymes, Antioxidants, 2021, 10(3), 370 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.675)
- H. Zhang, GL. Chen, S. Lü, LL. Zhang, MQ. Guo*. Insecticidal Activities Against Odontotermes formosanus and Plutella xylostella and Corresponding Constituents of Tung Meal from Vernicia fordii, Insects, 2021, 12 (5), 425 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 3.141)
- XC. Zhuang, YL. Zhang, GL. Chen, Y. Liu, XL. Hu, N. Li, JL. Wu, MQ. Guo*. Identification of Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Proliferative Neolignanamides from Warburgia ugandensis Employing Multi-Target Affinity Ultrafiltration and LC-MS, Pharmaceuticals, 2021, 14 (4), 313 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 5.215)
- MM Mutungi, FW Muema, F Kimutai, YB. Xu, H Zhang, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Potentials of Ficus glumosa and Its Bioactive Polyphenol Metabolites, Pharmaceuticals, 2021,14 (3), 266(通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 5.215)
- GL. Chen, YB. Xu, JL. Wu, N. Li, MQ. Guo*. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of Moringa oleifera leaves and their functional chemical constituents, Food Chemistry, 2020, 333, 127478 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 9.231)
- YB. Xu, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Correlations between phytochemical fingerprints of Moringa oleifera leaf extracts and their antioxidant activities revealed by chemometric analysis, Phytochemical Analysis, 2021, 32, 698 -709 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 3.024)
- GL. Chen, AJ. Seukep, MQ. Guo*. Recent Advances in Molecular Docking for the Research and Discovery of Potential Marine Drugs, Marine Drugs, 2020, 18 (11), 545 (通讯作者, SCI收录,IF 6.085)
- MX. Fan, GL. Chen, B Sun, J Wu, N. Li, SD. Sarker, L. Nahar, MQ. Guo*. Screening for natural inhibitors of human topoisomerases from medicinal plants with bio-affinity ultrafiltration and LC–MS, Phytochemistry Reviews, 2020, 19(5), 1231-1261 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.741)
- CY. Zhang, MQ. Guo* .Comparing Three Different Extraction Techniques on Essential Oil Profiles of Cultivated and Wild Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) Flower, Life, 2020, 10 (9), 209 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 3.253)
- AJ. Seukep, MX. Fan, SD. Sarker, V. Kuete, MQ. Guo*. Plukenetia huayllabambana fruits: analysis of bioactive compounds, antibacterial activity and relative action mechanisms, Plants, 2020, 9 (9), 1111 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 4.658)
- AJ. Seukep, V Kuete, L. Nahar, SD. Sarker, MQ. Guo*. Plant-derived secondary metabolites as the main source of efflux pump inhibitors and methods for identification, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2020, 10 (4), 277-290 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 14.026)
- CY. Zhang#, MH Li#, MQ. Guo*.A phase conversion headspace technique for the determination of anti-anaerobic activity of drug candidate based on the metabolic acidity change in culture medium, Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1621, 461024 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 4.601)
- AJ. Seukep, YL. Zhang, YB. Xu, MQ. Guo*. In vitro antibacterial and antiproliferative potential of Echinops lanceolatus Mattf.(Asteraceae) and identification of potential bioactive compounds, Pharmaceuticals, 2020, 13(4), 59 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 5.215)
- GL. Chen#, FM Mutie#, YB. Xu, FD Saleri, GW. Hu, MQ. Guo*.Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities and polyphenol profile of Rhamnus prinoides, Pharmaceuticals, 2020, 13(4), 55 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 5.215)
- MH. Li#, CY. Zhang#, GL. Chen, L. Nahar, SD. Sarker, MQ. Guo*. Headspace gas chromatographic method for antimicrobial screening: Minimum inhibitory concentration determination, Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 2020, 181, 113122 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 3.571)
- MX. Fan, GL. Chen, YL. Zhang, L. Nahar, SD. Sarker, G Hu, MQ. Guo*. Antioxidant and anti-proliferative properties of Hagenia abyssinica roots and their potentially active components, Antioxidants, 2020, 9(2), 143 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.675)
- MX. Fan#, YQ. Tian#, GL. Chen, SD. Sarker, L. Nahar, J Wu, N. Li, MQ. Guo*. Enrichment and analysis of quaternary alkaloids from Zanthoxylum simulansusing weak cation exchange solid‐phase extraction coupled with LC-MS, Phytochemical Analysis, 2019, 30(6), 727-734 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 3.024)
- GL. Chen, MX. Fan, Y. Liu, B Sun, M Liu, J Wu, N. Li, MQ. Guo*. Advances in MS based strategies for probing ligand-target interactions: focus on soft ionization mass spectrometric techniques, Frontiers in chemistry, 2019, 7, 703 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 5.545)
- CY. Zhang, MH Li, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*.In-situ headspace analysis of metabolic carbon dioxide of aerobic bacteria for assessing antimicrobial activity of natural products, Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1600, 41-45 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 4.601)
- YB. Xu, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of the crude extracts of Moringa oleifera from Kenya and their correlations with flavonoids, Antioxidants, 2019, 8(8), 296 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 7.675)
- CY. Zhang, D Fu, GL. Chen, MQ. Guo*. Comparative and chemometric analysis of correlations between the chemical fingerprints and anti-proliferative activities of ganoderic acids from three Ganoderma species, Phytochemical Analysis, 2019, 30(4), 474-480 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 3.024)
- GL. Chen#, MZ. Zhu#, MQ. Guo*. Research advances in traditional and modern use of Nelumbo nucifera: phytochemicals, health promoting activities and beyond, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2019, 59(S), S189-S209 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 11.208)
- GL. Chen, MX. Fan, JL. Wu, N. Li, MQ. Guo*. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of flavonoids from lotus plumule, Food chemistry, 2019, 277, 706-712 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 9.231)
- YL. Zhang, GL. Chen, H. Ma, MQ. Guo*. Antiproliferative and enzyme docking analysis of engleromycin from Engleromyces goetzei, Molecules, 2019, 24(1), 166 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 4.927)
- J Ding, GL. Chen, GF Chen*, MQ. Guo*.One-pot synthesis of epirubicin-capped silver nanoparticles and their anticancer activity against Hep G2 cells, Pharmaceutics, 2019, 11(3), 123 (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 6.525)
- CY. Zhang, Q. Zhang, CH. Zhong, MQ. Guo*. Volatile fingerprints and biomarkers of three representative kiwifruit cultivars obtained by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography mass spectrometry and chemometrics, Food Chemistry, 2019, 271, 211–215 (通讯作者,SCI收录, IF 9.231)
- GL. Chen, BX. Huang, MQ. Guo*. Current advances in screening for bioactive components from medicinal plants by affinity ultrafiltration mass spectrometry, Phytochemical Analysis, 2018, 29(4), 375-386. (通讯作者,SCI收录,IF 3.024)
- GL. Chen, JL. Wu, N. Li, MQ. Guo*. Screening for anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory components from Rhamnus davurica Pall using bio-affinity ultrafiltration with multiple drug targets, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2018, 410(15), 3587-3595(通讯作者,SCI收录, IF=3.307)
- WY. Gu, MX. Liu, BQ. Sun, MQ. Guo, JL. Wu, N. Li. Profiling of polyunsaturated fatty acids in human serum using off-line and on-line solid phase extraction-nano-liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1537, 141-146(SCI收录,IF 4.601)
- P. Zheng, X. Bian, Y. Zhai, C. Li, N. Li, C. Hao, H. Huang, W. Luo, Z. Huang, C. Liao, M. Xue, MQ. Guo, B. Sun*, JL. Wu*. Metabolomics reveals a correlation between hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs) and allergic asthma: evidence from three years' immunotherapy, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 2021, 32, 1654 (SCI收录,IF 5.464)
- L. Nahar, MQ. Guo, SD. Sarker*. Gas chromatographic analysis of naturally occurring cannabinoids: A review of literature published during the past decade, Phytochemical Analysis, 2020, 31(2), 135-146 (SCI收录,IF 3.024)
- M. Liu#, N. Li#, YL. Zhang, Z. Zheng, Y. Zhuo, B. Sun, LP. Bai, M. Zhang, MQ. Guo, ZW. Cai, JL Wu*. Characterization of covalent protein modification by triclosan in vivo and in vitro via three-dimensional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: New insight into its adverse effects, Environment international, 2020, 136, 105423 (SCI收录,IF 13.352)
- L. Nahar, MQ. Guo, SD. Sarker*.A review on the latest advances in extraction and analysis of artemisinin, Phytochemical Analysis, 2020, 31(1), 5-14 (SCI收录,IF 3.024)
- X. Yan, Y. Zhuo, X. Bian, J. Li, YL. Zhang, L. Ma, G. Lu, MQ. Guo, JL. Wu*, N. Li*. Integrated proteomics, biological functional assessments, and metabolomics reveal toosendanin-induced hepatic energy metabolic disorders, Chemical research in toxicology, 2019, 32(4), 668-680 (SCI收录,IF 3.973)
- 郭明全,陈桂林,田永强,张春云;专利名称:一种快速筛选天然产物中拓扑异构酶I抑制剂的方法;申请号:201610249760.5;申请日期2016-4-21;专利号:ZL201610249760.5;授权公告日:2017-04-19
- 郭明全,王青锋,朱洺志,刘源振;专利名称:一种十数樟提取物的制备方法和应用;申请号:201310570931.0;申请日期:2013-11-18;专利号:ZL201310570931.0;授权公告日:2016-06-08
- 郭明全,胡光万;专利名称:连翘叶提取物及其用于制备提高肠道AKK菌丰度的药物的用途; 专利号:ZL202110668873 .X;申请日期:2021-06-16;授权公告日:2021-11-05
- 张春云,郭明全,李梦辉;专利名称:一种用于生物培养的厌氧瓶定量等压除氧装置及方法;专利号:ZL202010283126.X;申请日期: 2020-04-12;授权公告日:2023-03-09
- 郭明全,范民霞,陈桂林;专利名称:一种快速筛选抗寄生虫活性化合物的方法;专利号:ZL202210000231.7;申请日期2022-01-03;授权公告日:2023-06-20
- 郭明全,冯慧霞,陈桂林;专利名称:穿心莲抗炎和抗病毒的活性成分筛选方法;专利号:ZL202210172390.5;申请日期2022-02-24;授权公告日:2024-01-26
- 张春云,郭明全,李梦辉;专利名称:一种天然产物对厌氧菌抑菌活性的测定方法, 申请号: 202010149072.8;申请日期: 2020-03-05;授权公告日:2023-12-29
- 郭明全,李静,范民霞;专利名称: 黄精中抗高尿酸活性成分的筛选及其应用;申请号:202211107879.0;申请日期:2022-09-08;专利号:ZL 202211107879.0;授权公告日:2023-01-06
- 郭明全,丁俊;专利名称:一种载药纳米银粒子的制备方法及其应用;申请号201610047447.3;申请日期:2016-01-25
- 张春云,郭明全,李梦辉,柴欣生;专利名称:一种天然产物抗菌活性测定方法;申请号: 201810133217.8;申请日期:2018-02-29
- 郭明全,张慧,陈桂林;专利名称:荷叶降糖降脂活性化合物筛选方法;申请号:202111523784.2;申请日期2021-12-14
- 郭明全,冯慧霞,陈桂林;专利名称:一种快速筛选八角莲中多靶标配体的方法;申请号:202210029382.5;申请日期2022-01-12
- 郭明全,徐勇兵,陈桂林;专利名称:一种筛选抗衰老活性配体的方法;申请号:202210085368.7;申请日期2022-01-25
- 郭明全,徐勇兵,陈桂林; 专利名称:快速筛选大黄中多靶标活性配体的方法;申请号:CN202210863074.2;申请日期:2022-07-21
- 郭明全,谢娟,王青锋,钟志祥,胡光万,严雪;专利名称:一种仙茅组织培养快繁的培养基组合及方法;发明专利;申请号:202210205911.2;申请日期: 2022-03-03
- 陈桂林,郭明全,徐勇兵;专利名称:一种匙羮藤总皂苷的制备方法及其提高肠道产丁酸菌群丰度的用途;申请号:202310029918.8;申请日期:2023-01-06
出版专著(Book chapters):
1. Armel Jackson Seukep, Christophe Dongmo Fokoua-Maxime, Hélène Gueaba Mbuntcha, Guilin Chen, Jules Clément Nguedia Assob, Martin Tenniswood, Satyajit Dey Sarker, Victor Kuete, and Ming-Quan Guo;Bacterial Drug Efflux Pump Inhibitors from Plants (16th chapter),V. Kumar et al. (eds.), Antimicrobial Resistance; Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022, pp487-532
2. Satyajit Dey Sarker, Lutfun Nahar, Anca. Miron, Ming-Quan Guo, Anticancer natural products, Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, pp 45-75